
Friday, May 27, 2016

“ Memorial Day”
Image result for memorial day

What is memorial Day?
  • who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally.

When is it?
  • May 30 .

Image result for memorial dayWhat are some ways to show honor and respect on memorial day?
  • Visiting on local veteran’s cemetery
  • Visit and take cookies to a nearby Veteran’s hospital.
  • The national memorial day parade on television
  • Time with the family

What are a few things you will do on memorial day to show honor and respect?
  • Ask someone about their service
  • Donate
  • Show up
  • Fly a flag

Reflection : I think that is a special day because more people that es veteran’s service of a good forms in the nations and It seems like we all know someone who has served and Veterans Day is a great time to ask them about their service .I think we owe it to the fallen to remember and honor the ultimate sacrifice that they have made, and to make a conscience effort .

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Eight Great Reasons to Tell the Truth

1. Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened.
There’s less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict.
2. Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.
3. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
4. You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying ( and getting caught).
5. .Other people trust you more when you tell the truth
6. You don’t have to tell (and remember) more lies to keep your story straight.
7. You gain a reputation for being truthful - a trait most people value.
8. Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside.

Reflection: this quote is that in the eight great reasons to tell the truth
Is very important because is choose the right all because i think that is
Very special in that express feeling, emotions, solution in problems ,  I like number
2 because i think that is very very for very important that protects innocent people from being blamed or punished because exist situations that produce that people innocent have problems example police , migration, justice and others.

Image result for yoga therapistYoga Therapist

Duties and responsibilities:
  • therapist is to keep their clients healthy, flexible and safe.
  • requires close attention to the abilities of their clients and concise instruction.

  • $39,410

  • taking yoga outside the classrooms, an health and wellness, the psychology and philosophy of yoga and workouts that revolve around students.

Demand for this profession:

Reflection: I think that is a good professions that practice of a good forms

And in my life is other professions that i think realize.

Monday, May 23, 2016

“If ‘'ve got correct goals,
And if i keep pursuing them
The best way I know how,

Everything else falls into line.
If I do the right thing right , I’m
Going to succeed.”

Dan Dierdorf

Reflection: this quote is that Dan is a people that always in your life
Realized more opportunities that benefit in a moment of the life and
Is very important the true in a correct goals in responsibilities ,cooperation in group or together
In family ,friends and other, everything is true that else falls into line
Right thing right .and no the wrong and wrong because no is good and Dan Dierdorf

Have the true because is a men with principles moral .I don't pay attention to what others are doing .
I feel strongly that if I have correct goals and the determination to keep pursuing them the best way I know how.

Duties and responsibilities:
  • A wellness specialist’s main focus is education.
  • The  job duties vary depending on the type of employer, but most include meeting with clients to determine their health wants and needs and setting up programs to help clients achieve their goals.

  • $45,000 a year

  • many require at least a bachelor’s degree in health education or a related degree field, like community health or health and human services.

Demand for this profession:

reflection:this job i think is good because is excellent is stress and other problems.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Good Values

"The most important 
thing you will ever have 
is good values."

Dennis Prager

this quote is that he is a good people and he expressed
a good values because he is perseverance and honest
in your life and is very important that always in your life
needed a good values  because is very specially and
the other people respect your education and good
comportment . I think than is good the responsibilities , a good
work , honesty , cooperative , respectful ,grateful, because
life isn't about finding yourself.
Image result for quotes of good valueslife is about creating yourself.